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WordPress LiteSpeed Hosting

The LiteSpeed Web Server

Our Stage 3 performance upgrade offers to host your WordPress website on one of our LiteSpeed web servers. Migration from your existing hosting is included.

Whilst the traditional popular Apache and Nginx web server usage is in decline (according to BuiltWith and Netcraft stats), LiteSpeed usage on the other hand is growing as people realise the benefits.

LiteSpeed Technologies provide a free WordPress cache plugin, it’s called the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress (LSCWP) plugin and is described as an all-in-one site acceleration plugin, featuring an exclusive server-level cache and a collection of optimisation features.

Web server transactions per second comparison
(source: SiteCanyon)

LiteSpeed Performance

The chart opposite from SiteCanyon’s tests compares the number of transactions per second that each of four popular web server / WordPress / cache configurations can handle with 100 users. Their tests indicate that WordPress running on LiteSpeed with the LiteSpeed Cache plugin installed was able to process almost 250% more transactions per second compared to WordPress with W3 Total Cache running on Apache, and 400% more than WordPress running on Nginx with FastCGI.

It would have been nice to see results for WordPress with W3TC on Nginx for comparison. Although the full configurations and test data has not been published, these results do seem to confirm LiteSpeed Technologies own claim to provide significant performance benefits over other web server configurations.

From our own experience LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed offer significant performance benefits and for that reason LiteSpeed is of web server of choice.

LiteSpeed Upgrade Quote

Complete the form below to receive a quote for monthly or annual hosting on a UK LiteSpeed business web server with off-server backup; Provided your existing WordPress installation meets our security requirements, migration to the new server is included as a free service.

LiteSpeed Upgrade Request