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Performance Stage-1

We supply you with a report on your website performance with personal recommendations for reducing page load times for improved search engine rankings – FREE

Performance Stage-2

We apply the Stage-1 recommendations including the installation of a curated list of performance plugins necessary to reduce your page load times.

Performance Stage-3

We migrate your website to fast LiteSpeed hosting and install and configure the LSCache plugin for peak performance.

What are Core Web Vitals?

Web Vitals is an initiative launched by Google in May 2021 to provide guidance for delivering a website with a great user experience (UX). The Core Web Vitals are a subset of Web Vitals, a set of performance metrics that every website owner interested in improving search engine ranking should check.

Currently there are three metrics: LCP measuring loading speed, FID measuring interactivity, and CLS measuring visual stability. Click the button below to see the importance of these metrics and how to improve your website performance.

Importance of page speed

Web pages need to achieve an LCP of 2.5s or less to reduce the risk of a Google ranking penalty, but do page load times need to be even faster? Click the button below to read about the importance of reducing page load times to reduce bounce rates and to increase conversions.

We are testing load speeds of various popular WordPress themes and will provide results in our blog in coming weeks.